Bauhaus style design

The Bauhaus movement had a radical goal, to reimagine the material world to reflect the unity of all the arts - always strive to innovate and think ahead.

Its vision was about creativity and free experimentation - from painting and sculpture to architecture and product design.

The movement promoted the concept of reducing components over adding more and more, which also why it became synonymous with clean, compact and efficient spaces.

Practical implementations

  • Start with a minimalist approach, focus on your "must to have" items
  • When adding accessories, make sure they are functional as well as stylish
  • Bauhaus is about geometries, add artistic items that emphasize different shapes and forms
  • Fabrics, wallpapers, paintings, sculptures and surfaces - nothing is off limits.

My Bauhaus mood board

Bauhaus illustration 1
Bauhaus illustration 2

Items that I liked, inspired by the Bauhaus movements:

Hope you enjoyed that read, happy Bauhausing!